
Did you know you can embed any other website on your PubWriter site?

All you do is wrap it in an iFrame html snippet:

<center><iframe src='http://pubwriter.com' style='border:0' width="600" height="500"></iframe></center>

In the code below, it would load the pubwriter.com page on this page.

You simply adjust the height and width to your liking.

Here's how it will appear:

If the site you are embedding is responsive, then it will fit into the iFrame you create.

Can you use it for any site? No. But you can for many others:

Note in the example above, I set the width="100%" to make it responsive to the width of the screen.

You can use it with any 'static' website. Websites like Instagram are not static, and therefore cannot be put into an iFrame.

More iFrames

Note: You can embed any slideshare.net presentation. You just need to grab the presentation #. The code above looks like:

<center> <iframe src='https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/70971699' style='border:0' width="445" height="355"></iframe> </center>

The # of the slideshare is 70971699.

More testing
