Notepad++ (for PC Users only)

While I love, I have found some issues with plug-ins I've used. As a result, I'm back to using Notepad++.

Thankfully, Notepad++ has a nice built in Markdown Previewer:

To install it, use Notepad++'s built-in plugin manager: open Notepad++ and go to Plugins -> Plugin Manager -> Show Plugin Manager, then scroll to MarkdownViewer++, select it, and click on install. It will automatically download the plugin and install it. At this point the editor must be restarted, and it will ask you whether you want to do it immediately (so there's no risk of losing your work).

Snippets in Notepad++

Snippets can be a huge time saver. Especially for html code like Disqus.

The easiest way to install this plugin is by using the Plugin Manager: from the “Plugins” menu, choose the “Plugin Manager” and “Show Plugin Manager”. Select the “Snippets” plugin and choose “install” and follow the instructions on the screen.

Here's the tutorial on how to use snippets.