
We'll create a sitemap for you annually, but you can also generate one yourself and send it to us for us to post to your PubWriter site.

Just head over to and generate your sitemap.

Then put this into your URL bar to notify Google:

If it doesn't pickup all your pages, you can create one manually. The process is explained below.

Manually Creating a Sitemap

Build a Sitemap (Mac) Build a Sitemap (PC)

PC Users

The fastest way to generate a sitemap for your PubWriter site is to jump over to the CMD prompt with the dir > files.txt command, parse out the URLS and upload to via Google Webmasters tools.

I have a nice tutorial I created recently on how to do this (step-by-step).

I am exploring the feasibility of manually building sitemaps to submit to google for improved SEO of each page.

I am guessing the step of building an RSS feed from the sitemap wouldn't be too much more difficult either. Looking at the FeedForAll tool as well.


This is interesting:

So all I need is the text file of all my pages?


I am exploring the feasibility of manually building sitemaps to submit to google for improved SEO of each page. I am guessing the step of building an RSS feed from the sitemap wouldn't be too much more difficult either. Looking at the FeedForAll tool as well.

The process thus far:

  1. Build the sitemap manually:

  1. Save the sitemap to a live pubwriter page:

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